Pets and home insurance: what is covered and what is not?

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There are more and more pets in homes. In fact, more pets already live in our homes than children under 15 years of age. The majority are dogs and cats, which have become officially considered “sentient beings” according to the latest update of their legal regime. In short, they are, with increasing frequency, another member of the family.

In this article, insuring pets is a rising trend in the world, and the experts’ future projections are that this will continue to grow year after year, as has been happening for some time in neighboring countries. Such contracts may be specific insurance for pets or coverage included within the home policy itself.

Home insurance for pets? What does it cover?

Civil liability

Home insurance usually covers the civil liability of having a pet, that is, the damage they may cause to third parties. In this sense, problems usually occur when the dog or cat comes into contact with other people or animals outside the family nucleus, so it is advisable to cover this aspect, whether, for example, by causing damage to the plants in the garden. neighbor or for biting someone. Insurance allows you to face this type of mishap with peace of mind.

At this point it is worth remembering that, in the case of having a dog considered a potentially dangerous breed, the law requires the “formalization of civil liability insurance for damage to third parties with coverage of no less than 100,000 Dollars”, as established Royal Decree 287/2002, of March 22. Although in two autonomous communities, Madrid and the Basque Country, they go a little further and it is mandatory to insure dogs, regardless of breed.

In the case, for example, US home insurance, if the dog bites a third party and the animal is not classified as dangerous, the costs that may arise from the incident will be protected by the company’s civil liability coverage. policy up to the limits of the particular conditions.

Specifically, this coverage guarantees protection for “bodily or material” damage to third parties, as well as “direct damages arising from them, in the area of ​​private life.” The coverage determines a wide range of pets: non-dangerous breed dogs, cats, birds, caged rodents, and aquarium fish. All of them must comply with current regulations regarding vaccination and/or safety standards, and cannot be used for commercial activities.

Liability derived from damages caused is not covered for “poisonous species, mustelids, species protected by law, of prohibited trade, wild animals and dangerous breed dogs.”

This coverage can be complemented, depending on the case, with specific pet insurance. Broadly speaking, these policies usually offer:

  1. Civil liability and legal defense: like home insurance from the USA, it covers compensation to third parties for damages that our animal may cause. Also the expenses for complaints and trials that we have to face due to the actions of our pet.
  2. Veterinary assistance due to illness or accident: facing veterinary expenses can derail the monthly budget of many families, and taking out insurance can pay off, especially if unforeseen events arise or the animals are involved that have to go to the vet frequently… In fact, this assistance is highly valued, particularly in the case of dogs, which not only includes visits to a specialist in animal medicine, but also analysis, diagnostic tests, drugs, or surgical interventions.
  3. Theft or loss of the animal: these are policies that contemplate that animals can be lost or stolen, especially if they are of a particularly desired breed, so they guarantee compensation to their owners according to established limits.
  4. Sacrifice and disposal of the body: in this case, the insurer is responsible for the expenses generated by sacrificing the animal and its cremation, generally due to illness, old age, or accident.

As we see, there are a wide variety of policies, more and more every day. The best option will always be the one that best suits the circumstances and desires of each person. Furthermore, it is important, before purchasing pet insurance, to check the coverage included in the home insurance in order to avoid possible duplications. Pets are another member of the family and, as such, they are also our responsibility.

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