The 5 Best Travel Insurance in the United States

9 Min Read

Comparing and hiring one of the many existing travel insurance policies in the United States is one of the main headaches when organizing a vacation. When going abroad, it is very important that you have some of the best travel insurance, which covers you in case of accident, loss of luggage, theft, etc.

Furthermore, if you go to countries like North America, this issue becomes fundamental, since healthcare is not free and is one of the most expensive on the planet. Hence, for example, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns of the need to have some of the best travel insurance for the United States before visiting this country.

I’m not trying to scare you or force you to take out international travel insurance for the United States, but you have to be realistic. Below, I detail some health figures in this country:

  • Doctor consultation: Between $300 and $500.
  • Ambulance: Between $800 and $3,300.
  • Appendicitis: About $27,000, to which we would have to add the post-operative period with hospitalization of about 5 days, which would amount to about $50,000 (€45,000). This case is truly worrying since you can suffer it overnight. In 2013, days before a trip, I had surgery for appendicitis, an ailment that ended up becoming complicated and led to peritonitis with 8 days of hospitalization. Imagine if I had been caught traveling in the United States without insurance. I should have sold my house to pay for healthcare! I tell you more, I felt appendix pain for the first time one day at 2 in the afternoon and I had emergency surgery the next day at 5:00 p.m. With this, I want to tell you that it can happen from one day to the next without prior notice. This is one of the reasons why I am convinced that it is essential to have the best travel insurance in the United States.
  • Breaking a bone without hospitalization: About $20,000.
  • Night in the hospital: About $6,000.
  • Anesthesia: $700.
  • Magnetic resonance: About $1,000.

Throughout this post, I will talk to you about the most recommended travel insurance to the United States and I will give you, from my experience, many tips and recommendations for hiring them.

Is it mandatory to take out travel insurance to the United States?

To travel to the United States it is not necessary to take out travel insurance, although it is highly recommended due to the very high healthcare costs in the country. In addition, you must keep in mind that the insurance includes other important coverage that is very necessary when making a trip, such as theft and loss of luggage, early return, and family displacement, among many others.

Hiring the best travel insurance to the United States in post-COVID-19 times

 The pandemic inevitably affected everyone, but the long-awaited vaccine finally arrived. However, you should not forget that, although it is highly effective, this vaccine is not 100% effective, so for both the United States and the rest of the world, you will need the best travel insurance. Also, you must keep in mind that this is one of the countries with the most expensive healthcare in the world, so contracting a policy is of vital importance.

Nowadays, luckily, several insurers cover the coronavirus, such as Iati, which has medical assistance for this reason, tests in all its insurance policies, and extension of hotel stayMondowhose travel insurance to the United States has medical assistance for COVID-19, including testing if necessary and extension of hotel stay for medical quarantine, as well as IntermundialChapka and Axa Assistance insurance that covers medical expenses and, Like the policies of the previous companies, their cancellation insurance includes COVID-19 as a reason to cancel the trip and recover the amount.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: From May 11, 2023, you can travel to the United States without having to present a certificate proving the complete vaccination schedule against COVID-19 since all health restrictions are eliminated .

Recommendations for hiring the best travel insurance to the United States

  • Choosing the best companies to contract travel insurance for the United States: This point is very important since the choice of the insurer will depend on the coverage and its response capacity. The insurance policies that bloggers and travelers always recommend are 4; IatiMondo, Intermundial, Chapka, and Axa AssistanceWithout a doubt, those that offer the best coverage on the market, since they are companies specialized in travel insurance, something that will allow them to give you a quick and effective response in the event of a possible problem, accident, or illness.
  • Coverage: This is perhaps the most important point to take into account when purchasing travel insurance to the United States. You should carefully read all the documents provided by the insurer to understand what the policy covers and check that everything is clearly indicated.
  • Health care: The travel insurance to the US that you contract must have the broadest possible medical coverage, as well as a coronavirus guarantee, repatriation, and medical transfer to your country of residence if necessary. Keep in mind that healthcare in the United States is very expensive, so medical costs could be very high in any hospital center.
  • Communication with the insurer: If you need assistance, you will only have to call them by phone for free, collect, or through their app. What’s the point of taking out cheap insurance if we then skip a beat when it comes to contacting them?
  • Language: This is a very important aspect. For example, I can defend myself in English, but I don’t speak it fluently. Imagine that I have an accident, between my nerves and my level of English I wouldn’t know anything. It is essential to check that travel insurance for the United States provides you with assistance in Spanish or an interpreter 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Do not advance money: Insurance is there to make our lives easier, so if you need it, they do not ask you to advance a single cent.
  • Excess: The policy to the United States contracted should not require you to pay an excess for receiving assistance. Always read the fine print of the contract.

What should travel insurance for the United States cover?

Travel insurance for the United States must have the following coverage:

  • International medical and health assistance
  • 24-hour assistance
  • Cancellation with refund
  • No advance money
  • Theft and damage to luggage
  • Civil Liability
  • Refunds for transportation delays and loss of services
  • Repatriation and transportation of the sick or deceased
  • Early return for emergency cases
  • Accident Compensation
  • Displacement of a family member
  • Adventure activities.
  • Legal defense

How much does travel insurance to the United States cost in 2023?

The price of travel insurance to the United States will vary depending on the policy coverage, the guaranteed amounts, and the length of days of your trip to the country, regardless of whether you visit Las Vegas, San Francisco, New YorkBoston, or any other of the essential places to see in the United States.

Best travel insurance to the United States in 2023

 The best travel insurance to the United States 2023 in relation to quality and price and according to the opinions of many travelers are the following:

  • IATI is the best travel insurance to the United States of 2023 for great travelers and bloggers.
  • Mondo, a young insurance brokerage that has emerged in recent years.
  • Intermundial, international insurance offered by a large insurer.
  • Chapka is a company belonging to Aon, the largest insurance brokerage in the world that sells quality insurance.
  • Axa Assistance, is a company belonging to the AXA Group, one of the largest insurance companies on the planet, with more than 50 years of experience and headquarters in 34 countries.

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