Why take out health insurance?

9 Min Read

One of the primary and vital elements for any person is everything related to the issue of health, and since life is full of circumstances that are beyond our control, it is always better to be prepared, so taking out health insurance becomes an incredible option for everyone.

In complicated times with diseases like COVID, it is best to have coverage for any kind of problem that may arise, since if we take care of our health our entire life becomes a little easier.

What is health insurance?

Health insurance is coverage that is obtained by paying a monthly premium with insurers that offer this type of service, and whose purpose is to provide medical care in case there is a health-related problem.

Medical insurance contains a policy that lists the situations in which the insurance company undertakes to cover all health expenses that are required, so that, in this way, the user can be calm and prepared for any type of adversity.

Why take out health insurance?

It is very important to have medical insurance, since as we have mentioned, the coverage it provides for specific cases of emergency or for the surprising events that life can throw at us is a radical difference for our economy, at that time.

If you do not have medical insurance, it may happen that when you have to deal with health-related issues, the total amount of money for all services becomes a true nightmare, which changes radically if we agree. with an insurer to be prepared.

Reasons to take out health insurance

Once you understand the importance of contracting health insurance, below we will leave you some reasons why you should seriously think about going to your trusted insurer and review the plans that are being offered.

1. Medical guarantee

The first and most important reason why we must contract medical insurance is for the coverage and guarantee on health issues that are contemplated in the service, since this ensures that we can have medical consultations at the time when are needed and that the entire process is personalized and as diligent as possible. 

2. Coverage in different health centers

Taking out medical insurance also offers service users, depending on the contracted plan, the possibility of choosing different hospitals or health centers, with the assurance that even outside the city there is coverage in case something happens outside the city. of home.

3. Quality services

If an unforeseen event occurs and hospitalization is necessary, purchasing health insurance provides important benefits, such as having a personal room where there is comfort so that a person can accompany the patient without any problem.

4. Saving time and money

With health insurance, you can save a lot of time during health processes that involve events, such as making it easier to make an appointment with a specialist. Likewise, by shortening the steps to improve our health, our pockets will greatly appreciate the result.

5. Complete attention

It is always good to be prepared but life still has surprises, and for cases like this having medical insurance is a radical difference, since we have advice and guidance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and some coverages even have medical appointment service by phone or pediatrics. 

6. Preventive checks

Not only must we respond to the inevitable, but prevention checks can be carried out to rule out any possible evil that may develop in our bodies. Having health insurance gives us the ability to do this frequently and efficiently.

7. Dental coverage

Another reason is that many medical insurances have dental-related services within their coverage, so we also have a series of tools to take care of our oral health through cleanings, extractions, and some services provided by different agreements.

8. Variety of plans and insurers

The last advantage of taking out health insurance is that different types of plans can be adapted to the budget and needs of the insured. There are countless insurance companies that best suit each person, so it is important to evaluate the possibilities with an insurance agent to find the best option for you.

Types of health insurance

Medical insurance, as we mentioned in the previous paragraph, has different plans that adapt to what people need, but we can classify them into different types since although the coverage varies from one plan to another, it is important to know some specific characteristics between the same.

1. Use subscription medical insurance

This is the most economical form of use for medical insurance since it offers considerably lower premiums than normal with the condition that a fee set at the time of contracting must be covered if you have to use Health Services.

It can be inferred that this type of health insurance is designed for people who do not regularly go to the doctor, so only in very specific cases will they cover the fee to access the doctor’s coverage.

2. Medical insurance without a user fee

Unlike the previous one, this type of health insurance has a slightly higher premium but does not have any conditions when using its coverage, so there is no extra money to contribute in case it is used. of health services.

This type of health insurance is designed for people who regularly go to health centers or for constant check-ups since compared to what must be paid for each service it is much cheaper.

3. Medical chart

This type of health insurance includes a list of health centers and doctors who have an agreement with the insurer, which allows you to use any of their options in case of illness or consultation at no additional cost.

4. Reimbursement of services

Finally, there is a type of medical insurance that offers partial or total reimbursement of the expenses incurred during health services, that is, the operation is basic, one receives care, buys the medications, and at the end delivers the total to the insurer, which reimburses the percentage of money agreed upon in the coverage.

5. International health insurance

International health insurance is designed for all people who live or have work circumstances abroad for a considerable period. This type of health insurance covers both emergencies and periodic consultations, making it easier to receive health care in any country. 

It is important to have international medical insurance to be fully covered when you are away from home since it also guides how to respond to any eventuality, which means a complete guarantee to take care of the insured. 

Don’t hesitate and take out health insurance!

As you may well have discovered, taking out health insurance is a great decision, since the most important thing is that you and your loved ones have coverage to be safe in the event of any eventuality. At EBA Insurances we can help you find the best health insurance that suits everyone. your needs and at the best cost. 

If you have questions at EBA Insurances we are here to provide you with specialized advice so that you can find the most appropriate medical insurance for you, to make intelligent use of the options offered within the market.

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